Several soda bottles
Permanent Markers
Clothes Pins (optional)
Take Aways:
(what the child will take away from the activity)
Learn about the benefits of recycling
Fine Motor Activity
Color Blending
Thinking up solutions to a problem (had to find a way for the plastic to stay flat.)
Step 1.
Cut strips of the soda bottles and remove the labels. Smaller strips work better for older children.
Step 2:
Using a permanent marker, write your numbers on your strip and then roll them into a tube. Or you can roll them and then write on them, either way works.
Step 3:
Learned through trial and error that instead of the clips, use yarn to tie around them and throw them in the oven as it works way better!
200 degrees for 5 minutes.
Let child string them on a piece of yarn.
For the older children.
They can color their own plastic and make beads for creating their own jewelry pieces.
And now for a bonus activity for the old children and the kids just really wanted another race. Also proof kids can have fun with ANYTHING.
The Soda Bottle Race
On your Mark, Get set, Go!
5 or more Soda Bottles
4 Pool Noodles
Put one pool noodle for the starting line and one for the finish line for each child.
Stack your bottles as the starting line.
Take Aways
(what the child takes away from the activity):
Physical activity
Following Directions
The object is to take the soda bottle from the starting line to the finish line,
set it up on the other side,
run back and retrieve another bottle,
take that bottle to the other side,
and continue on till all the bottles have crossed the finish line.
This is part of the
Think Outside the Toy Box Summer Series
The series is put together by
and me 🙂
Think Outside the Toy Box Summer Series
May 23 – Intro Post
May 26 – Glow Sticks
June 2 – Plastic Soda Bottles
June 9 – Paper Grocery Bags
June 16 – Kool-Aid
June 23 – Ice Cream Cones
June 30 – Pool Noodles
July 7 – Wax Paper
July 14 – Puzzle Pieces
July 21 – Paper Cups
July 28 – Plastic Milk Jugs
Link up!
Do you have a project that has to do with plastic soda bottles? Want to share? Link up!
Or just browse other’s ideas and maybe find something you would like to do with your kids.