This weekend is Valentine’s day! I’m going to share some awesome ideas from some of my favorite people to make the holiday more special!
How about a sweet treat? Here are some great ideas to add a little Valentine’s day treat into your day!
Easy Valentine’s Cinnamon Roll Recipe
Valentine’s Trail Mix for the Kids
Chocolate Cherry Brownie Recipe
Keep the kids happy while making their own handmade Valentines!
DIY Melted Crayon Art Valentines with Printable
DIY “Bouncy Ball” Space Valentine Cards with Printable
Your Friend “Ship” is the Best Valentine Craft
Easy Filled Heart Valentine’s Day Card
Build Your Own Valentine Robot
Last but not least, here are some great activities and craft projects to create memories of special family together time. And also some great ideas to keep those little hands and minds busy with fun educational activities!
Homemade Valentine’s Playdough
Valentine’s Day Letter Puzzle Printable Activity
Super Easy Valentine’s Day Craft
Sorting and Counting with Conversation Hearts
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Awesome round up! Thanks for including me!
Greatness!! Thanks for including me