Math Fact Treasure Hunt Activity
The kids were wanting to go outside and do “something”. I wanted to play with my new lens. This idea was what came to me as a win win for all parties. I took a piece of construction paper and made a map of the backyard. I then place math facts with the answers leading to another fact which in the end would bring them to the treasure.
The Map!
The map was quite a crude drawing and only took about 4 minutes. Drawing a map with 3 children acting like you are keeping them from Christmas isn’t exactly easy. Next time I will will have the map ready in plenty of time. Also next time I will have a map and treasure for the older two and a different one for the toddler. She doesn’t understand cooperation yet.
Cooperation – Working together. Such as below
Cooperation according to a toddler – Running with the map.
She did give them a chance to look at it a couple of times while she had it.
The treasure blended in so well that they had a difficult time finding it even with a map.
Just a fun little activity that we will definitely be doing again this summer. I’m going to up the game next time and give them riddle clues as well as math problems. Maybe even the all dreaded math word problems.