My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper

CB came home from a store trip out with her Papaw carrying a furry topped pencil name Scarlet. No one would have suspected the toll on our household that Scarlet would place. The moment her rainbow fur entered crossed the threshold she became the most coveted toy on the planet to the other two children. To restore peace and protect Scarlet from pencil-napping, we returned to the store but there was a run on furry pencils and they were sold out. I thought maybe we could make one instead. They came out looking adorable and we ended up making three…Scarlet now has a brother named Steve.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

What you need:

Googly eyes
Hot glue gun and glue
Optional accessories such as rings or beads

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

The monster base is really easy. Take your yarn (whatever color you choose) and wrap around your hand several times. The kids can do this, just be sure they don’t wrap too tightly and hurt their hands. Remind them, the more you wrap, the fluffier the head will be. When the wrapping is complete, thread a piece of yarn through the middle and tie it together tightly.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

I wrapped the thread again through the middle and tied it again just to make sure it was secure.  Pull the thread off your hand and cut the loops open at the top. I then used a brush to brush through the hair several times creating a more fluffy appearance.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

Get your glue gun out and wrap the pencil in the center of the yard. This is the fun part where the kids can get involved in the decorating. They can add a ring as a headband or ribbons. They can really make it their own pet monster.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

Glue your eyes on. How many eyes you choose to glue on is up to you. Lou had me glue four on hers and it was pretty cute.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

This is Lou’s design. We put a ring from a quarter machine around the base of the hair and glued on four eyes. Her pencil is name Stephanie.

My Pet Monster DIY Pencil Topper Kid Craft Project Miniature Masterminds

It was actually more fun to make them and design them ourselves than we had with the store bought version. I think we will definitely add to the family but I would like to get some different colors of yarn first. I bet a rainbow colored yarn would look even more adorable!

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