Add On Reference Pack One For First Grade Curriculum Month One
A few tools to help with your First Graders such as Number line, sight word flash cards, addition flash cards, number chart, reading log, lined writing page, and a few others.
As I have been working through our First Grade Curriculum book with my daughter I have thought of a few things that would be nice to have on hand. I made a list as I went and came up with these additional tools to help her.
You can download this pack here or on the First Grade Curriculum Page along with the rest of the materials.

I realize this curriculum is getting a bit confusing on the downloading part and I am working to figure out an easier way of organizing it all before it gets completely out of hand. When I finish with the whole book I will make one large download with them all in one file but until then I will be keeping it weekly as I finish them. I also have plans of publishing it to Amazon so it can be purchased already printed but that is a good while off.

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This download is free to use for any daycare, church, school, personal, co op, or home school use.
We all make mistakes sometimes, if you happen to find one of mine feel free to email me and let me know so I can correct it!
All activity images, printables, and games are free to download and/or use as you choose, with the exception of claiming as your own, modifying, or redistributing as your own. Please feel free to use in any classroom setting! Feel free to link to this page but not to the download or image itself, if you would like to share downloads or ideas. All shares are appreciated. Permission to use 1 image of your choice is given. Thank you for respecting these guidelines.
I am a home-school mom who works three part time jobs from home, so i don’t have a lot of time for prep. Finding FUN and educational material with little to no prep was hard until I found your site. Keep up the great work. My daughter loves it and we look forward to additional books as you make them. We are in kindergarten currently and in June starting first grade. I am already downloading what you have and give it two thumbs up. I love how you include more than one subject, you are one talented mom!