Exploring the World Beneath Our Feet:
A Second-Grade Workbook on Soil
Module 6
In this module they will learn about soil layers, what soil does for us, and how to protect the soil.
Follow along with our 2nd grade science workbooks:
Module 1 – Living and Nonliving Things
Module 2 – Plants (coming soon)
Module 3 – Animals and Habitats (coming soon)
Module 4 -Earth and Space (coming soon)
Module 5 – Fossils and Dinosaurs (coming soon)
Module 6 – Soil
Module 7 – Matter (coming soon)
Module 8 -Energy (coming soon)
Module 9 -Magnets and Forces (coming soon)
Module 10 -Weather (coming soon)
Module 11 – Marine Life and Oceans (coming soon)
Our 2nd-grade Science modules currently available:
Download Below!

This book is in full color and 37 pages long.